Thursday, September 29, 2011

A little history

A little history for you.  My new R+F skincare regiment is due to arrive at my house tomorrow via FedEx. So excited to get started on this!  One of the biggest reasons I am most excited about this new product is because I am a mom of 2 young kids and I often, almost NEVER take time to make myself up in the mornings. Ok who am I kidding. I've never taken time to make myself up. That ends up being just for special occasions, which doesn't include going to work unfortunately. If I had a $1 for every time someone at my work said "you look tired" or my favorite "you look like a ... new mom".  I would be filthy rich. So the moral of the story is this.  If I can make my skin look it's best, without covering it up with make-up, then I'm going to try it. I think I don't have time for make-up and skincare, so I'm choosing skincare in hopes that I won't need the make-up.  But in the promise of full disclosure, I must say that I did find a pretty amazing mascara that I actually do get compliments on. So we'll definitely be keeping that.

So sad to say... here is what my skincare regiment has looked like over the past year(s)... 

It was fine. Great. Good. No sunscreen though which was a bummer, but I didn't really care too much.  So when that was gone, I looked in my drawer for something to just get me by and found this:

And this was horrible to say the least! I couldn't stand it, it smelled and didn't work as a moisturizer. I felt like my face was more dry after using it.  But as you may begin to notice, I didn't really care and just kept using it... until it was gone.  So now I am currently using the following:

What? Are you kidding me? A $70 bottle of Philosophy and a  $.99 travel size tube of lotion? Body lotion? Yup... this is me every morning - and sometimes at night - for the past couple weeks.  But I let it get this bad because I knew I would be starting up this other gig. I wasn't about to go buy another moisturizer when I knew I was going to try something else new. Let me tell you this isn't working either.   I actually have been using the Philosophy for a few months. I kept really concentrating my usage of it around the fine lines on near my mouth.  Which I have as a non-smoker and my friend who has been smoking for over 10 years hasn't.  So not fair.  Anyway... I'm bummed the lines are still there.  Granted I am sure the lack of support in other areas hasn't helped the cause... but it's definitely time for something new!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Guinea Pig

 Yay first guinea pig friend!  We're trying this together.  I'm blogging,  She's taking pics. I will too - tomorrow. After I get my hair did.  There is no way I'm showing wrinkles/age spots AND my roots!!  We actually haven't started using the skincare yet, but figured we HAD to get our before pictures uploaded before we forgot, had amazing results, and then failed to be completely truthful about this whole ordeal. 

Sunspots on the forehead  -  CHECK

In the beginning

So where do I even begin? I've been thinking about this blogging adventure for months now and haven't had the faintest idea on how to start.  One thing about me is that I often just don't come up with a single idea. It is laced and interwoven with many many MANY other connecting points.  So let me see if I can pinpoint where the thought of this blog began.  I knew someone who began selling a new skincare line. She quit her job. She sold more. Her skin began to look really great. I wanted my skin to look great. Did it really work that well? Would it work that well on me? Could I actually make a little bit of money doing this? Could I make a lot of money?  Could I be an unconventional MLM (multi-level marketing) person? Maybe I could blog about my own personal experiences.  Maybe I could be unbelievably honest about the entire process. Maybe I could have friends join in on the experiment.  Maybe the people who also sold this skincare would be nervous about my lack of "go team go" rah rah rah selling attitude. Maybe people would check out my blog and see for themselves first hand the honest truth about this particular product.  And so here we are... after all that thought and prayer and consideration, we're blogging. 
So... this won't be a blog about my life as a mom, my amazingly wonderful husband and children, my cooking, my couponing, my diy projects, my sewing, photography or my baking (maybe I'll throw in a thing or 2 for justin (just-in-case).  It's actually going to be a real life honest to goodness test to see if this skincare stuff is really all it's cracked up to be. Because wouldn't you rather know and see it first hand then spend lots of time and money being duped into another product with sub par results? Here's to being the dupee!