Saturday, October 1, 2011

Half Truths

Ok. So far I am full of half promises.  I said I would post pics of my face "tomorrow" and haven't yet.  I also said my skincare was coming yesterday, and it didn't yet.  Ugh.  Wow, I am just full of honesty and truthfulness.  Well, truth be told, I did take pictures of my face. But they were with my phone/camera in the evening.  When I first looked at them I couldn't believe how gorgeous I was and also how crazy I was to be posting these raw close up pics.  But then I remembered this is what people see every day anyway.  Lucky you guys :). But anyway, back to the pictures.  When I went to post them online they didn't do my skin justice.  I can't post ok pictures and then rant and rave about how awesome this stuff is.  So I need to take some better ones.  I have a semi fancy camera to do so.  Now who do I want to take them of me? I'll find someone soon.  Before Monday.  Because that is when my skincare is ACTUALLY scheduled to arrive.  What I got yesterday was just this ...

 I was actually really really disappointed when I opened up my fedex box.  But once I re-tracked my orders. I realized I was only focusing on the Business Plan tracking.  Not my product tracking.  That is now scheduled to arrive Monday. Note to the people in charge of making up the rules for R+F.  As a courtesy to your new consultants SEND OUT THEIR STUFF RIGHT AWAY.  If I owned the company I'd even do overnight.  Because wouldn't you want your peeps to get the product as soon as humanly possible? Time kills all deals... the longer I wait to receive my product, the more annoyed I get that I don't already have it.  Anyway...  We'll see you cats Monday. 

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