Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 0 vs Week 1

So I've been using the REVERSE Regimen for 1 week.  But since it's a pretty strong system, it's advised to only use it in the morning every other day for the first week.  To date I have only used it 4 times. Last Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Today (Monday).  Tomorrow I'll start using it every morning. Ooh fun ... we'll see if I can actually keep this up every day for a whole week!  But anyway... I took some pictures today to see if there was any difference so far.  At first, when looking in the mirror, I didn't think so at all. In fact I felt like some of my age/brown spots were even darker than when I started.  But here are just 2 pictures and you can tell me. Ha - who am I kidding, no one comments on here. But anwyay... you'll at least be able to see for yourself.  I'm a little disappointed in my pictures again. I know I said that last time.  But I feel like they aren't bright/clear enough. I could stand outside, but if I keep this up there is no way I'm going to go outside in the blistering cold weather that is right around the corner just to take a pic.
Before I used ANYTHING on my face a week ago.
After 4x of using R+F in one week.
See what I mean?  I feel like I actually see a difference now, so it's making me question my photography skills, not the fact that this stuff might actually be working. Hmmmmmm .... well we'll try again in a week and see!

1 comment:

a Grabinski said...

Lookin' good! I'll have to check you out in person in a couple of days!