Monday, October 10, 2011


I was visiting with one of my closest friends today and we were trying to figure out how to get rid of the extra STUFF that seems to accumulate everywhere in our homes.  We know the motto "everything has it's place", but what do you do with the things that you don't know where it's place is? So before leaving her house today on a organizing note - we promised we'd each get rid of 5 things from our closet to help kick start the process.  I went home and did just that. I actually filled a couple bags of clothes to take to Goodwill and then felt really good about my small progress. So I kept going. Today was also one of the days I needed to do my REVERSE regimen, so I was in the bathroom doing so and looked in MY bathroom drawer.  It was a hot, hot mess.  I started thinking that this skincare line could really help me minimize the amount of things I accumulate in my bathroom as well. The friend I mentioned earlier and I have a horrible need/desire to get free samples when out shopping. Even if I know I'll never buy the real thing ~ I take a sample just in case. What if it's amazing, what if it's the best thing ever for my face? What if, what if?

How do I find anything in here anyway? 
I actually took a couple of these containers and emptied them down the sink so Jaidyn could have her own "make-up"
Ahhhh pure bliss!!
So today I cleaned out my drawer and all the little sample packets that were in it.  I then took a picture to remember them by, and threw them away.  You would not believe how difficult that was at first. Those items were FREE! How could I throw away free stuff? But I have to hope in the R+F product I'm using now. I am putting all my faith in those little bottles to not disappoint me.  And just think ... if this stuff works like they say it will. I will then be able to throw away the foundation/make-up I have taking up room in my make-up bag! I think that will be even better!

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