Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The pics

Ok here goes ... the best of the worst, or the worst of the best? I can't get over how hot I am in these pictures! Just for the sake of this project though I made sure to take them after my boot class last night so I looked extra good!  Disclaimer too ~ as I look at these I feel as if the pictures don't completely do my skin justice. Maybe it's just my personal perception. But I think it looks worse in person. I may have to hire a professional to really help me grasp the full picture.
Nice lines between and below the eyes and around my mouth
No that isn't bronzer on my cheeks... just lots of sun spots/age spots/baby spots
   Again - no bronzer - spots. Also a dark red area on my chin.  This actually STARTED when I started using my Philosophy Miracle product. 
Oh me oh my.. can we say gobble gobble ... look it's a baby turkey neck!
The biggest thing to notice here is my lack of strong jaw line. of course the wrinkles too. 

After the REVERSE regimen for the sports and freckles - starts the wrinkles and FIRMING up! 

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