Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Regimen

 Ok. Here goes.  If you've read anything so far you'll know I am NOT a big "time for me" kind of girl. Most days I'd rather take a nap than a shower.  But my little brochure here is very detailed and gives a great easy to follow outline.  Now can I really take 5 minutes a day for me?

So according to this I have to start slow.  Only once a day, every other day for the first week.  I did it for the first time last night and was SO impressed with how soft my skin felt afterwards.  But then again - when is the last time I used an exfoliating face wash, toner and cream.  I honestly can't even tell you.  It went well. It's not really going to be that time consuming.  I washed my face with the wash.  It says a quarter size. I used a nickle size and had plenty. I am NOT about to waste this stuff or use more if I don't have too. Then I patted dry my face and used the toner.  I dipped my cotton in that a couple of times. I also included my neck on everything I did.  It then said to let the toner dry so I brushed my teeth while waiting for that.  Lastly was the lightening treatment. This was a pretty thick cream/lotion.  It had a smell to it.  But not a bad one.  It sort of reminded me of the proactiv days a little. That recommended a generous dime size and I probably used a generous pea size.  I'm not trying to be skimpy, I just don't have the world's largest face. Thought maybe I could always add more if I needed.  So there I did it and I'm actually itching to do it again!  But as I was told by a friend today.  I need to be patient and run the course. I am pretty sure R+F knew what they were talking about when they created this product and wrote the regimen! Who am I to argue?  Plus if I go like gang busters on the first few days it will probably make my skin freak out and then this whole thing would be pointless.  So here's to 5 minutes of me time!

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