Thursday, October 27, 2011

Where have you been?

To my few faithful followers out there, I'm still here!! I've just come across a couple road blacks for the time being.  First and foremost - my camera is taking CRAPPY pictures.  How in the world am I going to show if this stuff really works as amazingly as I say it does, if I can't give you good pictures to confirm it.  So I've hired a professional... well, I didn't hire her and she technically isn't a professional, but very very close!!  As soon as I get some photos from her I'll be posting again.  We took some 2 weeks ago and again yesterday, in a parking lot, at a restuarant, next to a lady eating her lunch in her car. Hahaha, that wasn't embarrassing AT ALL. Oh and I haven't seen any pictures yet, but my photographer says she can tell a difference. She even asked if I was wearing make-up. Ha... Boo-ya! This is how much I'm dedicated to this project.  Also, the forehead girl from the first pictures on here is starting her Reverse skincare regimen next week, and I'm waiting on some good before pictures from her too.  Also.... just got some sunless tanner to try! I've heard again it's fantastic. As in only applying 2 days in a row for a great real looking tan, and then not needing to use it again for about 5 days. It also doesn't smell horrible. I've tried my share of sunless tanners and most don't sound comparable.  I'm going to have someone else test that for us initially too.  I don't think it would be fair to have an natural subtle tan in my "after" pictures.  Of course everyone looks better with a tan. And lastly, going to try some micro-dermabrasion on the back of my upper arms.  Gross I know, but those dang little red bumps always show their ugly face this time of year, all winter long. I wonder if photog will take pics of my arms for me too :) hahaha.

So hold tight... I'm still using and still loving and you'll see what I mean in the next week or so.

PS - oh and isn't this picture kind of funny... those that know me from my "construction" days... hahahahaha... where's my stop/slow sign right?

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