Thursday, October 27, 2011

Unconventional and "my why"

Business starter kits and my reason for getting involved with selling R+F.... 

Today was the cut-off day for my ability to purchase a starter kit with R+F.  They let you sign up for just a really small fee but then HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you purchase a kit to help you get started with your new business. Well, I didn't have the cash to make the big purchase. I wanted to - oh how I wanted to. Since I've been using the R+F products I've been jonesing for more, I want them ALL, and they would have been at an AMAZING discount, as in I really couldn't afford NOT to buy it.  But I couldn't do it. I don't have it, I can't borrow it and it wasn't possible, so I didn't. So here's to starting the way they DON'T recommend. Here's to selling without a load of samples to show. Here's to proving to top salesperson so and so that I will do this the unconventional way and still succeed.

This leads me to "my why".  R+F suggests you write down why you are in this business. Why it's important to you to be a part of this.  I think this is a great idea.  My why has changed a 100x in the past month since I started. But today, I came up with another part that I'm hoping I'll be able to make a difference with.  With R+F they have a "spotlight on success" newsletter they send out a few times a year. I was reading it today and there is a lady on there that contributes 50% of every Rodan + Fields paycheck to a micro-loan foundation to help women begin their own entrepreneurial businesses. Awesome idea!! How many people don't ever give their ideas or dreams a chance because of lack of finances.  This isn't exactly going to be part of my why, but it's the inspiration behind a part of my why. So why? Why am I doing this?  First and foremost I'm doing this because I would LOVE great skin. I would love to look young and vibrant for many many many more years to come. I also would LOVE to be able to make some extra cash.  To take a vacation when we wanted to, to bring our daycare on our vacation, to buy a certain something, to have a huge nest egg, to comfortably send my kids to the schools we want from now through college, and lastly my latest addition to be able to take a % of my earnings and use it to help someone.  Someone, anyone, everyone :).  I have said so many times I wish I could do more for others, help pay for something, cover a lunch, coffee, dinner, random gift without thinking 2x how it's affecting my personal bottom line.

So like I've said before, this blog isn't to convince you of anything other than an honest look at how my new adventure is working out for me, but I felt like if I made "my why" a little more public, it would help keep me driven to prove I can make this work without breaking the bank to do so.

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